softScheck is CREST Accredited
We Safeguard Your Data
Protecting our customers’ data is of utmost importance to us. The Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) is a third-party certification that validates our accountable data protection policies, processes and practices. Stay confident that your data is in safe hands when you work with softScheck!
DPTM Certified Since 2021
Our customers trust our security experts with potential access to data in their systems. We must safeguard this data. In obtaining the DPTM, our organization has demonstrated a sound and accountable data protection regime in managing personal data.
As a DPTM-certified organization, we adhere to robust data governance and protection standards that align with Singapore’s PDPA and international best practices. Our certification helps build trust with our customers and boosts their confidence in working with us.
What is DPTM?
The Data Protection Trustmark is a voluntary enterprise-wide certification administered by the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA). Organizations under this certification scheme must demonstrate accountable data protection policies and practices in four (4) areas:

The DPTM Certification Framework was developed based on Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) and incorporating elements of international benchmarks (e.g. APEC CBPR/PRP requirements) and best practices.
– Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA)
To strengthen trust with our customers and business partners, we obtain the DPTM as a visible indicator that we adopt sound data protection practices. With our responsible data protection practices, rest assure – we always take good care of personal data that we access in the scope of work.