Website Penetration Testing in Singapore
What is Web Application Penetration Testing?
Website Application Penetration Testing (a.k.a. Application Pentest, Application VAPT, Application Pen Testing) is a simulated cyber-attack against a web application to check for exploitable vulnerabilities. Web applications are the most fragile entry points into an organisation’s network infrastructure as they offers public access. Public-facing applications face the highest risks of being breached and leading to malicious attackers entering the system. At softScheck Singapore, we identify and evaluate all the potential vulnerabilities in your web application to help your business mitigate cyber risks.

softScheck is a CREST accredited Penetration Testing provider in Singapore.
It is also important to note that automated testing is complemented by manual testing to achieve compliance and full coverage.

Objective of the website penetration testing assessment
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Our Website Penetration Testing Approach & Methodology
softScheck Singapore’s application penetration testing methodology is based upon industry standards such as Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), CWE, SANS, NIST, PTES and OSSTMM. It covers the classes of vulnerabilities, including, but not limited to:
The vulnerabilities are evaluated using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System) (CVSS) method to assess and evaluate the risk.
softScheck Singapore approach Web Application Penetration Testing with a rigorous manual testing technique: