Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Services

In today’s digital era, businesses rely heavily on technology, which also exposes them to evolving cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals are using advanced tactics to breach defences, making robust cybersecurity measures essential.


Realistic Scenario Testing

Tests response under pressure, identifying strengths and weaknesses.

Cross-Functional Coordination

Improves communication and collaboration across departments.

Policy and Procedure Validation

Identifies gaps and areas for improvement in SOPs.

Enhanced Preparedness

Keeps teams alert and reinforces cybersecurity awareness.

Regulatory Compliance

Provides evidence of preparedness for compliance efforts.

Benefits of softScheck Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Services

Our TTX services provide comprehensive preparedness by simulating real-world cyber incidents.

Enhanced Resilience

Strengthened Response: Identifies areas for improvement in incident response plans.

Improved Coordination: Enhances communication across departments.

Proactive Risk Management

Identifying Vulnerabilities: Finds gaps in current security posture.
Validating Policies: Ensures cybersecurity policies are practical and effective.

Regulatory Compliance

Meeting Requirements: Supports compliance efforts with evidence of preparedness.
Audit and Reporting: Provides reports detailing exercise outcomes.

Business Continuity

Minimizing Disruption: Ensures effective response to minimise business disruption.
Protecting Reputation: Prepares teams to handle incidents and communicate transparently.

Continuous Improvement

Ongoing Training: Keeps teams updated on cybersecurity trends and best practices.
Adaptive and Resilient: Helps adapt to new threats and refine strategies.

Customizable Solutions

Tailored Exercises: Fits specific needs and scales with your organisation.
Expert Support: Provides guidance throughout the exercise process.

Prepare, practice, and protect — because in cybersecurity, readiness is the best defence.