What is Vulnerability Assessment?

As both malicious internal and external users have the potential to damage your vital network, conducting an extensive vulnerability assessment (VA) in Singapore is the best way to protect your company. This highly technical evaluation is designed to identify as many vulnerabilities as possible, with our systematic approach helping to address critical weaknesses.

Once our vulnerability assessment team pinpoints these shortcomings in your network security, we classify them by severity and remediation priority to ensure your business is secured against hackers and other dishonest users. Using the latest industry-specific tools, our objective-based assessment typically serves as a preliminary step to penetration testing (PT).

With our comprehensive VAPT testing conducted using real-world scenarios, we employ a range of automated and manual techniques to uncover vulnerabilities. As we align our findings with your company’s objectives, we detect the weak links and provide detailed recommendations on how to resolve these issues quickly and effectively.


softScheck is a CREST-approved Penetration Testing provider.


Objective of This Assessment

Create an overview of the security risks to a network
Provides a prioritised list of vulnerable areas
Regular assessment to reveal key vulnerabilities in the system

Approach & Methodology


Different Types of Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities in cybersecurity can typically be grouped into three key categories through assessment, each based on the nature of the threat they pose:


This refers to how easily a vulnerability can be exploited. Vulnerabilities that are easy to exploit might not require sophisticated tools, whereas those that are more challenging to exploit demand more advanced technical skills and tools.


This denotes how visible the vulnerability is. Some vulnerabilities, such as those appearing in URLs, are obvious and can be quickly identified. Others, however, are concealed within the application’s code, making them harder to detect without thorough analysis.


The potential impact of a vulnerability explains the extent of damage that could occur if it were exploited. High-impact vulnerabilities can cause significant disruption, like system crashes, while others may have minimal effect on the system's overall functionality.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

Vulnerability assessment tools in Singapore are essential for identifying and mitigating various security threats affecting different IT infrastructure layers. These tools are designed to detect a range of common vulnerabilities and exposures, including:

  • Remote File Inclusion: This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary files on a server, potentially compromising the network’s security.
  • Code Injection: Issues like ASP code injection allow attackers to introduce malicious code into an application, leading to unauthorised data access or corruption.
  • SQL Injection: A critical vulnerability where attackers manipulate backend databases through insecure SQL statements, potentially exposing sensitive information.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): This flaw enables attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users, which can lead to stolen data or compromised user interactions.
  • Disclosure of Sensitive Information: Such vulnerabilities involve the unintended exposure of critical data that can help attackers gain more insight into the system for further attacks.
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: These attacks flood the network with excessive traffic, disrupting or completely halting the service.
  • Malware: Malicious software can infiltrate systems to steal data, cause damage, or create backdoors for future attacks.


Using a simulated, multi-layered attack known as Red Teaming, softScheck’s security professionals will put your network security to the test. Read our case studies to find out how our Red Teaming helped our Singaporean clients identify and protect themselves against targeted attacks.

Launched in Singapore in 2015, softScheck is one of the country’s leading vulnerability assessment and penetration testing organisations.

Backed by our in-house team of highly experienced security consultants and project managers, we assist businesses to secure their internal networks from a variety of risks.

Across software faults, outdated network infrastructure, and zero-day vulnerabilities, let our talented team guide your IT vulnerability assessment and stop attacks before they happen. Contact us for a quote today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Vulnerability Assessments in Singapore

1. Are vulnerability assessments automated, and how long do they take?
Vulnerability assessments can be automated and manual, depending on the network's complexity and the business' specific needs. Automated scans can be quicker and often completed within hours, whereas manual testing might take several days to ensure a thorough examination. The duration also depends on the scope of the assessment and the size of the network being tested.
2. How often should vulnerability assessments be carried out?
The frequency of vulnerability assessments depends on various factors, including the organisation's risk profile, changes in infrastructure, compliance requirements, and exposure to new threats. Generally, it is advisable to conduct assessments at least annually. However, businesses with higher security risks or those that frequently update their systems might benefit from quarterly or even monthly assessments.
3. What is the difference between vulnerability assessments and penetration testing?
Vulnerability assessments and penetration testing are complementary processes, both crucial for a robust cybersecurity strategy. Vulnerability assessments involve scanning and identifying potential vulnerabilities in a system or network. The process is generally broader and less intrusive. Penetration testing, on the other hand, actively exploits these vulnerabilities in a controlled manner to determine the impact of a breach. It is a more targeted approach that simulates real-world attack scenarios to test how deep an attacker could penetrate the network.